Spiritual Mission: Guiding you to CLEANSE your body temple, CONNECT to your highest self, and RADIATE your energy.. it’s your medicine to the world!

"Nourished people are the medicine of our planet"


"Nourished people are the medicine of our planet" 〰️


I didn’t always eat clean. I was addicted to sugar, ate animal products in excess, and had no conscious awareness of how food was directly linked to the state of my emotional, mental and physical health. I was completely disconnected from my body, which meant I was disconnected from myself. After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's), suffering from severe menstrual cramping, chronic hives, and never seeming to be able to reach my ideal weight, I decided to make a choice. I decided to choose me, so I disconnected to reconnect!

In 2004, I decided to start a plant-based journey. At the time, I had no idea this simple choice would become the catalyst that would upgrade my life! A plant-based lifestyle commands discipline, courage, self reflection, compassion, trust, patience, and honoring of the earth and spirit on a whole new level.. Having this mindset about what I was eating led me to discover these same elements about who I was, my souls journey.

A plant-based lifestyle offered me more than just healthy food; it upgraded me to something way more substantial, called spiritual nutrition. This journey led me within and awakened me to start remembering who I am ... powerful, unique, beautiful, and full of purpose! Unblocking my body from a numb state, unblocked my mind and started to create this partnership and powerful union between my body and soul. I was now able to be in tune with higher frequencies, embody a state of higher consciousness, receive powerful messages from my intuitive body all which opened an opportunity for me to step into the woman I was created to be. Letting go of perfectionism, and stepping into a more authentic path. A path that celebrates me developing a relationship with myself and expanding my capacity to forgive and love the deepest parts of me that had been hidden or that I had abandoned.

With each step on my path, and trust me it’s a journey no overnight success, I unlocked the greatest potential that is created from harmonizing body and spirit…meaningful and fulfilling contribution to not only my unique path, but contribution to humanity.

I remember spending many years pursuing what I thought was success by working in corporate America’s health care and reaching what many described as “the top” in my career. Despite my success, in private I felt completely out of harmony with myself and my heart. As a RN working in health management leadership, I had firsthand experience with the destruction chronic disease has on families and communities. I witnessed the community becoming sicker and sicker, developing a greater dependence on external instead of internal healing solutions and a state of total disconnection from body and soul. Having suffered from my own health issues and healed from them using a plant-based nutrition lifestyle, I intuitively knew there was more that could be done.

In 2017 trusting my gut, I decided to deepen my studies and travel to Puerto Rico to study at the renowned Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute. After being blown away by my experience there, I made the jump to leave corporate America and officially begin my own business, sharing my knowledge and lifestyle with the community and helping people heal as I did — from the inside out!


River Madinah Simpson MSN, R.N. is a registered nurse with a Master of Science in Nursing. She holds a BS degree in sociology, is a NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) certified practitioner, and is certified in plant-based nutrition, food science, high raw cooking and preparation, and holistic health from the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute-Puerto Rico and the Dr. Aris Latham Food Science Institute-Panama.

As a Holistic Wellness Practitioner facilitating domestic and international health and wellness services, River Madinah believes that we are one with nature, not separate from it.  This powerful awareness is the seed to sustainable radiant health, a higher quality of life, and fulfilling contribution to humanity.  Utilizing her signature Conscious Body Detox Program River guides you on a journey to cleanse and purify your body temple, reconnect to your highest self, ultimately achieving optimal physical, emotional and spiritual health.

River Madinah is commissioned as the private wellness practitioner for a royal family of Dubai UAE, as well as corporate contracts that include supporting Native American wellness and rehabilitation.  River has appeared on multiple podcasts, featured in Voyage Phoenix Magazine, Shoutout Arizona and has reoccurring appearances on ABC 15 Sonoran Living as the featured Holistic Wellness Educator and Plant-Based Chef.  River Madinah has been commissioned to give her signature talk to organizations such as Jack and Jill of America Mom’s, Desert Botanical Garden, Melanin Mom’s Expo, the City of Tempe, and so much more.   Services include holistic health coaching/consulting, corporate wellness, digital books, speaking engagements, workshops/retreats and special events.

My Spiritual Vision.

Create a sustainable off-grid community nestled in nature where people can restore their emotional & spiritual wellbeing and experience their sanctuary within!

River Madinah Simpson MSN, R.N.

Holistic Wellness Practitioner